Food for Thought

We are 2 best friends and amateur chefs, on either side of an ocean, with a common love for all things food. This blog will chronicle our respective food journeys, recipes, tips and tricks, links, ideas and basically anything else to do with food on both sides of The World - showing how they are influenced by our countries and each other.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Coming soon...

Evening all!

I've been laid up this evening with a migraine, so I'm afraid anyone coming back for part 3 of veggie week is going to be disappointed - I didn't cook a thing tonight I've been in bed. Back to normal service tomorrow, meantime I thought I would let you all in on some of the plans for the blog this year.

The rest of this week will continue the veggie week theme, including recipes like Fiorentina Pizza, Mexican Tortilla Parcels, Souffle Omlette and a Frittata with Leeks and Red Pepper. Other themed weeks will be coming too, so please comment or email with any suggestions and we will be happy to take them forward.

We are hoping to start some guest recipes soon too. Anyone who would like to get involved please drop us an email and we will be happy to sort it out. My little brother Richard has already agreed to pop one on, and as someone who has worked as a chef in the past it should be a good one! Eventually we will be looking to extend this to pro chefs and maybe even feature personalised recipes by some of the more famous stars of the food world, so watch this space!

June will see me take on a professional cooking course with top chef Richard Bertinet, in the classic French Bistro style. It was a 30th birthday present from my amazing wife Sam and I will make sure I share with you all any tips, tricks, recipes and anything else I pick up from the time with him.

Later in the year we should really take off. October 2011 the very lucky Anthony will be marrying his lovely fiance Nadine, and they will be visiting Wales for the honeymoon and catching up with her family. This means Ant and I can really get cooking! There will be mystery box challenges (a la Masterchef!), food tours, adventures, major recipes and of course plenty of blogs to keep everyone involved. We are also planning a visit to France and will of course be popping to some fine French Bistro's for ideas to share with our readers.

So... sorry again about the lack of a recipe for today, but check back tomorrow and hopefully this will just wet your appetite for more cooking with your friends at The BBQ'd Leek.

Good health!


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