Food for Thought

We are 2 best friends and amateur chefs, on either side of an ocean, with a common love for all things food. This blog will chronicle our respective food journeys, recipes, tips and tricks, links, ideas and basically anything else to do with food on both sides of The World - showing how they are influenced by our countries and each other.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Veggie Week Part 3 - Pizza Fiorentina

Greetings foodies!

Tonight has been a bit boring, my wife had to work late so I was pretty much feeding myself. The recipe for the Pizza I have done today with a pre-made base and sauce, since its a weeknight tea just for me. A bit more special and better I'm sure with a home made pizza base and a delicious rich home made tomato sauce, both of which are easy enough to do. Just seemed a little too much fuss for just my tea, so I've posted it as it was. Quality was pretty good for shop bought ingredients anyway! Want it a bit more special though? Make your own base and sauce - rewarding and extra delicious.


3 tbsp Olive Oil
1 Small Red Onion, thinly sliced
200g Fresh Baby Spinach
1 Pizza base, 12" or so. Shop bought will do the job.
1 Portion of home made tomato sauce (if you make batches and freeze it like me) or a small jar of pizza sauce
Whole Nutmeg
150g Mozzarella Cheese
1 Egg
50g Gruyere Cheese, grated


Heat half the oil in a pan. Fry the onion gently for around 5 minutes, until soft, then add the spinach and stir gently for 2 minutes until wilted. Grate in a good amount of nutmeg, Pour off any excess liquid then rest for a minute or 2.

Spread your tomato sauce on the pizza base. Add the spinach mix and mozzarella, season, and place in a pre-heated 220 oven for 8 minutes.

Take out, and make a well in the middle of the toppings. Crack your egg into the well, top the whole thing with the Gruyere, then back into the oven for a further 6-7 minutes.

Serve straight away with Crusty home made Garlic Bread if you wish, or just your favourite crisp Italian White Wine.

Must admit it was very tasty, and I even prepped a second one which the wife had at 1:30am when she finally got in from work. I'll be glad when my fortune comes in as a famous chef so she doesn't have to work these hours anymore! In the meantime I'll just enjoy the new 50" HD 3D TV we just bought with her pay rise :-)

Night folks, best wishes


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