Food for Thought

We are 2 best friends and amateur chefs, on either side of an ocean, with a common love for all things food. This blog will chronicle our respective food journeys, recipes, tips and tricks, links, ideas and basically anything else to do with food on both sides of The World - showing how they are influenced by our countries and each other.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Go Organic

Something I really wanted to add to our site was a section on the actual food we eat. Not the recipes or the way we cook it, but the food itself. I am going to start with something we are all familiar with, meat.

Free range meat is something I feel incredibly strong about, I believe that everyone should be eating it instead of the battery farms producing most of the meat on the supermarket shelves. I understand that the meat costs more, but to me the reasons for this are well worth my extra money.

Free range organic animals are reared outside where they belong, fed the actual food they require to lead a long life before slaughter, they build muscle from roaming that makes the meat so much tastier and best of all, they lead a happy healthy life.

Chickens are the best example, so many of them a reared indoors in a battery factory. Lighting is used to trick them into thinking it is always daytime so they constantly eat getting fat for the shelves. Most of them can barely walk they are so overweight and unhealthy, yet so many people still want them. Pound for pound your average battery chicken costs less than dog food, is that really good enough for you and your family?

The only reason that battery farms exist is because there is simply a market for cheap tasteless meat in the stores. If people stopped buying it, they would be forced to go free range or go bust. I know it is likely that this will never happen, and many more influential people then you or I have done their best to stop it, but if we vote with our feet, we can all make a difference.

Next time you go to the supermarket, or even better your local butcher, just buy that free range meat, just once, give it a try. I promise you the flavour of the meat, as well as the feeling of knowing it led a good life will make you spend that little extra every time you go back.

Thanks all


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